Monday, May 7, 2012

Ryan Jackson

Hi I'm Ryan Jackson I'm a senior Geology major at Eastern New Mexico and will be graduating in December. I was born and raised in New Mexico, a few hours from Goddard's Rocket Lab in Roswell. This is my second NASA internship, last summer I worked at Johnson Space Center organizing photographs of Volcanoes taken by astronauts aboard the ISS and Space Shuttles. While I was there I was able to take a tour of the Lunar Sample Laboratory and view the the oldest lunar rock (which was brought back by Dr. Harrison Schmitt a personal hero of mine since he was a New Mexican Geologist) and the experimental tools they use in the Lab.


When I get the chance I really enjoy hiking, camping, skiing, and traveling. I'm pretty excited for the summer, since this will be only the second time I've been to the East Coast so I'm excited to experience a new region.

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