Hey, team. My name is Chet Gnegy and I'm an EE major at the University of Pittsburgh. I am a musician at heart and I love adventure and the outdoors. I'm interested in robotics, circuit design, signals processing and a whole slew of other related technical fields. I play the guitar and to a lesser extent the keyboard. I enjoy all kinds of music-- jazz, classical, rock, techno, you name it. Not pop or dubstep or any of that business. I'm hoping that everyone else gets a kick out of ultimate frisbee, I plan on bringing my official college throwing disc. I enjoy bike riding and I'm looking forward to the warm weather...or blistering hot weather as it may be in Arizona. [edit: I stand corrected, the weather may be beautiful. I guess I will tolerate that.]
My last two summers I did some Android development for an indoor path planner with CMU's robotics institute and simulations programming for the ChemE department at Pitt. I enjoy programming, but I am looking forward to doing something more hardware oriented.
I spent a bit of time debating whether you use a picture of me where I'm smiling and acting normal or one that is a bit more honest. I chose the latter, I believe it speaks to the fact that I like to have fun and entertain others even at the cost of my peers thinking I'm a little off. I really enjoy Where's Waldo books and playing with ants. The child in me is still very much alive.
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. Summer is going to be good news.
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